Monday, March 6, 2023

What tools are available for keyword research?

When it comes to running successful online campaigns, keyword research is a foundational task that often determines the success or failure of any given campaign. With so many options available for finding and evaluating keywords for upcoming campaigns, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

Luckily, there is a variety of helpful tools available for keyword research. Here are five of the most popular and useful ones:

1. Google Keyword Planner: This tool from Google helps you discover new keyword ideas and related search queries, understand and compare trends in search volume over time, and get valuable insights into how much competition there is on certain keywords.

2. SEMrush: This business intelligence platform features an extensive keyword research tool with features such as keyword suggestions, synonyms, phrase match options, and top competitors in searches. It also gives detailed traffic estimates to give a better indication of the potential success of different keywords.

3. Ubersuggest: This keyword research tool provides an extensive list of related terms and topics based on your seed query. It also gives you detailed data on the overall search volume of a particular term to help you find sufficient search terms for your campaign's success.

4. Keywords Everywhere: This tool provides instant access to relevant data such as keyword suggestions as well as search volume estimation metrics that you can sort according to importance metrics such as cost per click (CPC). It also presents related keywords that could illuminate additional opportunities for campaigns moving forward with alternative titles or trends worth exploring further down the road.

Cendlytics Keyword Insights— This analytics visualization tool utilizes numerous external sources to give users instant access to competitive market intelligence about their respective industries by automatically comparing the key phrases used by their competitors with those of their own campaigns. As a result, it provides valuable information about which phrases are performing well or not so well in terms of overall success rates among target audiences compared with industry rivals

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